Thursday, December 19, 2019

How are minor infectious diseases treated?

Most cases of infectious diseases are minor. Minor infectious diseases are not treated. Most are cured by health, by healthy actions. The common cold is a minor infection. There is no medical cure for the common cold, lots of “treatments” for signs and symptoms. The cure is health. When we are healthier, we get fewer colds and cure them faster. When we are less healthy, we get more colds and cures take longer. But “there is no cure for the common cold”. Many minor infections like gum infections, minor skin infections are cured by health. They are only treated when the become more serious, when they become more than “minor”.

Germs, or microbes, are found everywhere - in the air, soil, and water. There are also germs on your skin and in your body. Many of them are harmless, and some can even be helpful. But some of them can make you sick. Infectious diseases are diseases that are caused by germs.

  • Through direct contact with a person who is sick. This includes kissing, touching, sneezing, coughing, and sexual contact. 
  • Pregnant mothers can also pass some germs along to their babies.
  • Through indirect contact, when you touch something that has germs on it. For example, you could get germs if someone who is sick touched a door handle, and then you touch it.
  • Through insect or animal bites
  • Through contaminated food, water, soil, or plants

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